The cost of energy is always
going up in cost. The price of electricity, heating
oil, propane or natural gas leaves an unpredictable
future. If you are seeking inespensive ways to save
on energy, here you will find the best bang for the
buck in doi-it-yourself home improvements. One
way is to install outlet gaskets to act as socket
sealers under all of your
receptacle wall plates. If you
stand by your receptacles on a
day that is windy, you might notice cold
air blowing during the winter from these areas.
Foam gaskets act as sealers and insulators to keep
the outside air from entering the living space. Some people
suggest that you only need to seal switch and outlet
plates on outside
walls. The truth is, all wall plate areas,
including inside walls, introduce outside air and
need to be sealed up since the wiring in your home
has wire channels that run throught walls.
This allows outside air to enter into the home
throughout your wall cavities. Since inner walls also
contain pipes, outside air will enter from your
basement, attic, or even your crawlspace. Of all of these
areas where air penetrates into the walls, your loss in heating and cooling can account to as
much as 20%. Aside from the sealing properties of
electrical gaskets, there is
also an insulating factor as well. Sealing and
insulating is importaint in order to retain heating
and cooling in your home.
Thousands of satisfied
customers have improved their homes through the use
of our products. We offer as satisfaction
guarantee on all of our products, and we only sell
the highest grade at the best value. You may find
other suppliers that sell cheaper gaskets, with some
even being a multi-gasket that will fit any type of
wall plate. These universal, pre-stamped gaskets
don't work very well since the pre-stamped
preforations that you don't intend to use will tear
when you go to knock out the intended style. For
example, you go to knock out the outlet section and
the rectangular area tears. What good is a
leaky gasket? Nothing beats a gasket that is
precisely cut for the specific type of wall plate.
Our gaskets are the thickest in the industry, where
most suppliers pass off thin sealers that offer very
little sealing and insulating properties.